Show “A Hora da Estrela or O Canto de Macabéa” at Pedro Ivo Theater

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The musical "The Hour of the Star or The Song of Macabéa", based on the work of the writer Clarice Lispector, arrives in Florianópolis on the 29th of October, in Pedro Ivo Theater. On the scene, great and active names of the national art scene such as Laila Garin, Claudia Ventura e Leonardo Miggiorin. Direction and adaptation of André Paes Leme, musical direction of Marcelo Caldi and original track of chico cesar.

The design and production of the project is by Andréa Alves, from Sarau Cultura Brasileira, responsible for shows such as 'Elza', 'Suassuna – O Auto do Reino do Sol', 'Sísifo' and 'Macunaíma'. The project is presented by BB Seguros and sponsored by Banco do Brasil, through the Federal Cultural Incentive Law.

  Start: 25/10/2022 00:00

  End: 25/10/2022 00:00

  Values: RS 60 (whole) and R$ 30 (half), in the first lot. RS 100 (whole) and R$ 50 (half), in the second batch. RS 150 (whole) and R$ 75 (half), in the third lot.

Photo used: Beto Oliveira/Disclosure.