Show Dog Without Feathers – Deborah Colker

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the dance company Deborah Colker touring in Santa Catarina with his new show Cão Sem Plumas. Deborah Colker performs in Cão sem plumas, based on the homonymous poem by João Cabral de Melo Neto (1920-1999), her first show with an explicitly Brazilian theme.

The show is about inconceivable things that shouldn't be allowed. It is against human ignorance. Dance mixes with cinema. Scenes from a film directed by Deborah and by Cláudio Assis from Pernambuco are projected at the back of the stage and dialogue with the bodies of the 13 dancers.

  Start: 21/10/2017 23:00

  End: 22/10/2017 01:00

  Values: R$ 140 whole and R$ 70 half price.

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