Show at the Turnstile – TAC

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Cleoswald He's a cool bus conductor from the Island, who divides himself between two jobs: day-to-day work on public transport and presenting work. What is there in common between the two? Gossip, unusual and hilarious situations. Cleo, as he is affectionately called, is married to Jenifer. The two met when she got stuck in the turnstile and for now she doesn't have children, as she is terrified of the idea. At the comedy show in the turnstile he has the opportunity to share his anxieties and curiosities with the public in a fun way. He is poor, but he is happy.

  Start: 25/03/2018 23:00

  End: 26/03/2018 01:00

  Values: R$ 20 whole and R$ 10 half price.

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