Show Reasons to Be Beautiful – Teatro Ademir Rosa

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The show reasons to be beautifulDirected by Joao Fonseca, is a comedy that critically addresses the obsession of modern society in search of aesthetic perfectionism. The text tells a remarkable story about the relationship between four friends and their standards of beauty. In the storyline, Steph learns that her boyfriend Greg has commented to a friend that he thinks her face is "just ordinary". Steph is upset and ends the relationship for not being able to live with a man who doesn't think she's beautiful.

From there, a succession of arguments and humorous scenes makes Greg watch his world come crashing down. A show that shows how the beauty standards imposed by society can lead everyday life and influence important decisions in people's lives. The cast of Reasons To Be Beautiful is formed by Ingrid Guimarães, Marcelo Faria, Gustavo Machado e Aline Fanju.

  Start: 06/09/2014 00:00

  End: 06/09/2014 01:00

  Values: R$ 90 whole and R$ 45 half price.

Information: on the website of Orth Productions.

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