Cultural Marathon - Children's Program

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One of the meeting points for children's programming is at Largo da Catedral, where the Maratoninha Cultural will have fixed activities such as library, board games, storytelling and cinema, in addition to the shows "Astrolábio, Acima do Horizonte", by Circo Pirata Show ( Balneário Camboriú), at 11am; “Amor por Anexins”, by Cirquinho do Revirado (Criciúma), at 15pm, which will be presented on Saturday (17). On Sunday (18), at 10:30 am there is the theatrical show “A Corda Maria”, by Cia Entrecontos. The Cultural Marathon Space will be open from 10am to 19pm, on Saturday, and from 10am to 15pm, on Sunday (18). In Lagoa da Conceição, a great option for Saturday (17th) is the show “Caê” by Karma Cia de Teatro, from Itajaí, scheduled for 11am, at Casa das Máquinas. A little later, at 16pm, “Histórias na Barca”, by Barca dos Livros, will take the public on a boat trip around Lagoa da Conceição, accompanied by storytelling. For those who prefer to enjoy the Cultural Marathon weekend with their children in the north of the Island, SC-401 will have two addresses with programs for them. On Saturday (18), Square SC hosts, from 10 am, a drawing and painting workshop and children's recreation, in addition to the show “Malagueta Quer ser grande”, with actress Paula Bittencourt and “Extrambólico”, by Dale Circo. At Passeio Primavera, on Sunday (18), at 11am there is a Circus Intervention with Circo Floripa, and at 14pm, Storytelling: Lagoa Formosa with Lótus Cia Cânica.

  Start: 16/08/2019 13:00

  End: 18/08/2019 22:00

  Values: Gratuitous.

For the complete schedule, visit the website of Cultural Marathon 2019.

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