The Old Sea Wolf

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The Nau Catarineta Cultural Center's summer program lasts until February 24 and includes musical and theater presentations, performances, poetry and film screenings. At Dominguinho, affectionately named this way because it is an agenda aimed at children of all ages, it has the Trip Theater, from Jaraguá do Sul. The animated theater, which uses stick and glove puppets, tells the story of Charlie lost on a forgotten island somewhere in the Atlantic. Whether climbing a coconut tree looking for food, trying to convince a worm to go on the hook, looking for treasure or even making friends with a whale, he will show everyone that for everything in life there is a way out and that's why he It is known as The Old Sea Wolf.

  Start: 14/01/2018 18:00

  End: 14/01/2018 20:00

  Values: R$ 30 whole and R$ 15 half.

Shows at 16pm, 18pm and 20pm.

On-site sales one hour before the show.

Reservations: by phone (48) 99697 8890.

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