How to Plan Your Artist Career

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facilitated by Hode Andrade, from I'm ArtistPro, the workshop is intended for the artist to come out with a personal business model and an action plan so that he starts to live (and not just survive) from art. Self-knowledge methodologies are applied so that the participant reflects on some questions such as: who are you (interests, skills, competences and personality) and what you have (knowledge, experience, contacts), what you do (activities that you carry out), who you help (potential customers), how you help them (the value you provide to your potential customers), among others, and then we'll facilitate a one-page method - visual and playful framework - to reinvent your career.

  Start: 28/06/2015 12:00

  End: 28/06/2015 22:00

  Values: R$ 150 until the 26/5.

Information and registration: through the Vilaj Coworking website (link to the side).

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