Singing Workshop

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Held by the Fundação Catarinense de Cultura, the workshop, open to young people, aged at least 12 years old, and adults, will cover vocal music techniques in a practical way, focusing on rhythmic perception, melody, harmony, the development of sound quality , tuning and style; study of breathing, emission, articulation and diction and vocalises. 12 places will be offered, where candidates will have their registration order and affinity with the workshop proposal, taught by the teacher, assessed. Ana Paula Weschenfelder.

  Start: 29/05/2014 19:00

  End: 17/07/2014 20:30

  Values: Gratuitous.

Registration and information: Until 26/5, via phones (48) 3664-2638 and 3664-2639 and via e-mail.

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