Spoken Word Workshop

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Taught by the artist Silvana Leal, the workshop is aimed at students aged 14 and over, writers and poets. To participate, all you need to do is attend the workshop on the day and time set, no prior registration is required. The main objective is to revitalize and give new uses to the word, developing a taste for reading and interpreting poems, stimulating the participants' creativity and reflective and interpretive capacity. The focus is a direct approach to performance, through various techniques. Classic texts and poems from the Portuguese language will be used, as well as from poets from Santa Catarina and even poems by the minister of the workshop, addressing topics such as speech and possible formats for the use of the poetic word; poetry and its sound and visuality.

  Start: 01/12/2014 16:00

  End: 01/12/2014 23:00

  Values: Gratuitous.

Opening Hours December 1st, from 14pm to 17pm and from 18pm to 21pm.

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