Shopping Itaguaçu promotes free Boi de Mamão banner workshops

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Shopping Itaguaçu promotes Boi de Mamão banner workshops on the 18th and 19th of March, starting at 15pm, at Itaguaçu Kids, a space close to access 6, on Floor L2, in celebration of São José's 274th birthday. ages 3 to 14, accompanied by their parents, will have the opportunity to create a beautiful wall decoration with the theme of the Papaya Bull, a traditional element of local culture.

The workshops were designed to promote and preserve the region's culture, in addition to encouraging family participation in creative and educational activities. Registration must be made at the event location, and each class, lasting 30 minutes, will have 15 children.

Boi de Papama is a game that tells the story of the death and resurrection of an ox, with colorful characters, music and dance. In several regions of Brazil there are bull games, with different names. They have the plot of the story in common, but in each place and in each group they play in a different way. In Santa Catarina, the Boi de Papama is present in several cities on the coast, mainly in Greater Florianópolis.

Shopping Itaguaçu is committed to bringing entertainment and leisure to its public, for 41 years it has been part of the lives of those who pass through its corridors, providing education, art and fun. More information on the mall's social media.

  Start: 18/03/2024 15:00

  End: 19/03/2024 18:00

  Values: free admission.

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