Purification and Detox Workshop – DeRose Method

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A program developed for those who want to leverage their organic vitality. The duration of workshop It takes six hours to learn and practice ancient techniques for cleaning the digestive and excretory systems, the respiratory system and the eyes. In addition to the Workshop, a group will be formed for the 21 day detox program. All participants of workshop will be able to participate in the follow-up group, which aims to apply the techniques learned for 21 days. The content will be: 21-day program planning, lemon detox, fruit detox (juices, monodiets), Shat Karma - the six main purification techniques, Kapálabhati - cleansing the nostrils and lungs, Trátaka - cleansing the eyeballs, Nauli - cleansing the intestines and abdominal organs by massage, Dhauti - cleansing the esophagus and stomach with water, Basti - cleansing the rectum and colon with water, Nêti - cleansing the nostrils and maxillary sinus with water, Shanka prakshalána - cleansing the stomach and intestines with water and fasting.

  Start: 03/06/2017 17:00

  End: 03/06/2017 23:00

  Values: on request

More information:  (48) 3223-1282 or by the event at Facebook.

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