Free Typography Workshop

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This workshop, taught by the Bachelor of Graphic Design Marcelo Magalhães - presents participants with a set of free software used to create digital typographic fonts and that were developed for the Linux operating system, but can also be installed on systems Windows or Mac OS. As a result of the course, participants will have developed a digital typographic font project.

After two days of meetings, at the end of the activity everyone will be able to make a poster testing their typographic font in A4 or A3 format. Open Font License (SIL) and the most used font license models in the market will be presented, thus understanding the main features of the free software presented and using online tools for image and vector treatment.

  Start: 04/07/2015 13:00

  End: 05/07/2015 21:00

  Values: R$ 250, plus taxes.

Information and registration: through the Vilaj Coworking website (link to the side).

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