Metropolis | Sesc Prainha Theater Cine | 01/03/2015 | CLOSED

Films: Metropolis
Original title: Metropolis
Direction: Fritz Lang.
Cast: Rudolf Klein-Rogge, Brigitte Helm, Gustav Fröhlich, Alfred Abel.
Censorship: Regular
Year of manufacture:: 1927
Country of origin: Germany

Synopsis: Fritz Lang's masterpiece, recognized as one of the most important silent films ever released in cinema. The story takes place in the 21st century, in a large city ruled with an iron fist by a powerful businessman. His collaborators are upper class and live in a beautiful garden, like Freder, sole heir to the leader of Metropolis. Workers, on the other hand, are enslaved by machines, and condemned to work and live in galleries in the city's underground. Among the workers, the young Maria stands out, who calls on the workers to demand their rights. Metrópolis demonstrates a critical concern with the mechanization of industrial life in large urban centers, questioning the importance of human feeling, lost in the process. As a background, the appreciation of culture, expressed in the film by technology and, mainly, by architecture.

Rooms and Hours

Shows Shadows That Haunt - Subtitles: 
Sunday (1) at 20:30.


Tickets and information

Sesc Prainha Cine Theater

  • Travessa Syriaco Atherino, 100 - Center
  • Florianópolis
  • (48) 3229-2200 / 3229-2208