Contact Us

Use this space to interact with Guia Floripa.

Join the Floripa Guide

- Advertise your event(s) in Guia Floripa - musical, gastronomic, events, concerts, parties, theater, shows, children's programming, courses, lectures, etc.;

- Advertise your company, services and products in Guia Floripa;

- Improve and host your website with the Guia Floripa team;

- post photos of those places in Floripa that you consider interesting, so that other people can get to know it too. The photos will be posted in low resolution, along with the related content, accompanied by the photographer's name.

Contact via email

- To request advertisements, banners and promotion of prominent events: or (48) 9 8816-5151 (WhatsApp)

- To request changes to your schedule already published in Guia Floripa:

- To send photos or other matters:

Phone: (48) 9 8816-5151 (WhatsApp).