Alicerce Music School

The Alicerce Music School is the main school in the north of the island. We created a wide and pleasant space for students to learn, develop musically, share experiences and share friendships. Here, for students to achieve their goals efficiently, we offer quality instruments, air-conditioned rooms, teaching materials, personalized notebooks, among other resources. Our team is made up of professionals trained to teach the most diverse courses that the school offers. In addition to courses, the school also provides music therapy sessions as prevention and treatment for hyperactivity, attention deficit, learning disorders, as well as for the development of cognitive functions and, in general, in the treatment of conduct disorders that manifest in childhood. and adolescence.
Author: Marcos

Contact Us

  • str. Dom João Becker, 774 - Room 05 - Ingleses Norte, Florianópolis - SC
  • Florianópolis
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