ACAP | Associations in Florianopolis. ACAP - Associação Catarinense dos Artistas Plásticos was founded on March 18, 1975 by a group of artists. The most expressive names of Santa Catarina art are there, such as Eli Heil, Vera Sabino, Rodrigo de Haro and the late Martinho de Haro, Franklin Cascaes, Ernesto Meyer Filho, Pedro Paulo Vechietti and Max Moura. Throughout its 42 years of existence, it has maintained its objective and commitment, with the promotion and dissemination of the cultural and artistic assets of our State. One cannot talk about Santa Catarina art without mentioning the name of ACAP. Valuing its memory, it continues to provide, through its associates, the dissemination of these various artistic manifestations.

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