Florianopolis City Council

Florianopolis City Council is the body of local power that houses the Legislative Power of the Municipality, and is composed of representatives of the people, elected by the proportional system. It works in the production of laws and in the supervision of the Executive Branch, with the objective of preserving the well-being of the community.

In its field of activity, the town hall proposes, deliberates and votes on Draft Laws, Draft Legislative Decrees, Draft Resolutions and other matters. 

Legislate for the development and progress of the city, through active and participatory work. Promote actions and dissemination of changes that aim at the common good, extolling the values ​​of citizens and exercising their supervisory power.

See list of councilors of Florianopolis.

Transparency Portal of the City Council of Aldermen.

Access the live camera TV.