Marieta talks with Sharlene Melanie and Cristina Colombo Nunes

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The second meeting of Marieta's lines has the theme Our Bodies - Our Stories is the second part of the first Falas, held on the first Saturday in May, in which the chat was so rich that it was decided to continue it. The two speakers return to provoke reflection and dialogue. The designer, Ufsc professor and photographer Sharlene Melanie, with his experience in teaching, began to realize that his students were not enough with just theories and techniques, but they needed a new look at the world. Therefore, she decided to develop dynamics and activities that contextualized socio-political issues to awaken more empathy, responsibility and involvement in the projects of future designers. She also created a photographic project called Do Corpo Ao Movimento that portrays naked and semi-nude women and invites them to take ownership of their bodies and recognize who they are, regardless of their physical appearances. A Exposure From the Body to Movement will be installed at the meeting location. Cristina Colombo Nunes, who is a professor of History and Evolution of Design, linked to the Communication and Expression Center at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (Ufsc), addresses What did Helena de Troia want?: The social language of the female body. The legendary beauty of Helen of Troy is still remembered today, but little is known about what this woman thought, dreamed or believed.

  Start: 09/06/2018 13:00

  End: 09/06/2018 15:00

  Values: Contribution of R$10.

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