In the next session of Cinema World, discussions on posthumanism will focus on the very current topic of artificial intelligence and the cognitive boundaries between human and machine.
The film club will screen on June 22, Thursday, at 18:30 pm, in the Elke Hering auditorium at BU, the film “Ex Machina: artificial instinct” (Ex Machina, Alex Garland, 2014). In this feature film, the young and brilliant programmer, Caleb, is invited by his boss to apply a “Turing test” on the artificial intelligence Ava. Throughout the process, Ava gains a body - female - and Caleb ends up revealing that she will be turned off at the end of the test, but Ava does not want to end her learning, knowledge and thought processes. From that point the film unfolds with unforeseeable consequences.
Ex Machina addresses our fears about the present and future of artificial intelligence, asking: is our humanity just a repetition of patterns? Would our individual behaviors be mere codes, albeit organic ones? The commented exhibition is free and open to the community.
Start: 22/06/2023 18:30
End: 22/06/2023 21:00
Values: free.