TypeDesign Workshop

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Defined as the face of language by Ellen lupton, typography is one of the bases of Graphic Design, and according to Vicente gil it is both seen and read and must be visually and verbally expressive. Typography can be playful and take liberties with the text and the printed word, provoking the audience to consider new possibilities of meaning..

The workshop, given by the Master in Communication Jefferson Cortinove, comes to meet the need for a greater knowledge of the fundamentals of typographic language in its theoretical and practical aspects in the production of digital typographic fonts, developing competence for the conception and its implementation.

  Start: 29/11/2014 11:00

  End: 29/11/2014 20:00

  Values:  “Apressadinha” registration (For the first 4): R$190 on the ticket, R$209 on the card. Normal Enrollment: R$215 on the bank slip, R$226,50 on the card

Information and registration: angelina@vilaj.com.br

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