On the 26th and 27th of April, the Lindolf Bell Room at the Integrated Culture Center (CIC)) receives the event Japanese Children's Games, consisting of a mini-exhibition and workshops, as well as a special session of the Cineclub of the Children's Film Festival with the film "My Friend Totoro" on the 27th, at 16pm, at Film Gilberto Gerlach. Participation is free. Proposal promoted by Nipocultura, selected in the Lei Paulo Gustavo LPG SC 2023 Notice – executed with resources from the Federal Government and the Paulo Gustavo Cultural Emergency Law, through the Catarinense da Cultura Foundation.
The mini-exhibition will contain items relating to childhood in Japan, such as kamishibai (Paper Theater). It will also be possible to discover toys such as otedama (a game made with small bags sewn together and filled with beans); daruma otoshi (tower of wooden circles that must be removed with a hammer without collapsing the tower), spinning top, taketombo (equivalent to the Brazilian pyrocopter, made of bamboo); and kendama (a small ball attached by a thread to a cross-shaped structure, which must be fitted to the top of the toy). Furthermore, on both days there will be origami, kite and haiku workshops for children; in addition to monitored games (ayatori, otedama, karuta, traditional toys).
Check the schedule:
26/04 (Friday):
10h: exhibition opening
Table with traditional toys: otedama, daruma otoshi, spinning top, taketombo, kendama
From 14:17 to XNUMX:XNUMX: Origami workshop (secular Japanese technique of folding paper)
From 14pm to 15pm; from 15pm to 16pm; from 16pm to 17pm: Kite Workshop (link for registration: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1vLFv91tZcyv3-4_nnEh1Nxs5Q8gxI-rfc8QXZ0gP-ng/edit?usp=drivesdk)
Three hours of workshop divided into 3 groups of up to 20 students each hour
27/04 (Saturday):
From 10:21 to XNUMX:XNUMX: Exhibition
Table with traditional toys: otedama, daruma otoshi, spinning top, taketombo, kendama and ayatori
13h: Presentation with Camerata Encantada - Project Camerata Educando com Música
From 14pm to 15pm; from 15pm to 16pm; from 16pm to 17pm: Kite Workshop (link for registration: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1vLFv91tZcyv3-4_nnEh1Nxs5Q8gxI-rfc8QXZ0gP-ng/edit?usp=drivesdk)
Three hours of workshop divided into 3 groups of up to 20 students each hour
From 15:17 to XNUMX:XNUMX: origami workshop
From 15:17 to XNUMX:XNUMX: Haiku (Japanese poetry) workshop for children
16pm: Children's Film Festival Film Club - Film "My Friend Totoro"
Start: 26/04/2024 10:00
End: 27/04/2024 16:00
Values: free admission.