In the classes, the playful and the imagination are mainly worked, language that will arouse in the child the motivation for the class. Slowly, elements and basic steps of the classical technique are inserted, however, without the rush and priority as in a training course of Classical Ballet. Classes are aimed at the age group between 3 and 8 years old, with extreme responsibility and professional competence. The reason is that children are in full training and development, who are still maturing basic motor skills, forming their self-image and starting to interact socially. A bad intervention at this stage can harm all child development.
Start: 30/03/2015 13:00
End: 31/12/2016 18:00
Values: To consult.
Information and registration: (48) 3232-9791, 9946-0583 or through the Athenè Tamisier Dance School website (link to the side).