In the classes, flexibility, freedom and expression are worked on in all parts of the body, and the movements are influenced by techniques from classical ballet, modern and post-modern dance. Unlike what happens in classical dance, where a predetermined script is followed, with ready-made choreography, in contemporary dance it is the dancer's body that establishes dramaturgy, musicality and history, all of this in movement, creating its own choreographic vocabulary.
Despite the freedom of execution, the language of contemporary dance is based on some universal concepts, such as space, time, lines and curves that are expressed through body signals. Classes are taught by the teacher Joao Paulo Sousa, Classical Ballet instructor graduated from the Brazilian Institute for Cultural Improvement.
Start: 30/03/2015 13:00
End: 31/12/2016 17:00
Values: To consult.
Information and registration: (48) 3232-9791, 9946-0583 or through the website of the Athenè Tamisier Dance School (link to the side).