Computer Operator, Refrigeration Installer, Lingerie Maker, Low Voltage Electrician, Master of Works, Ceramic Coating Applicator, Automotive Accessories Installer, Electronic Systems Installer, Furniture Designer, Quality Inspection Agent, Assembler and Computer Repairman, Computer Operator, Building Maintenance Assistant, Hydraulic Installer, Confectioner, Auto Electrician, Motorcycle Mechanic, Baker, Masonry Bricklayer and WEB Programmer are offered free of charge by the Senai/SC Palhoça and São José Unit through of Pronatec. Registration can be made at Cras - Social Assistance Reference Center in the candidate's municipality, with the need to respect the criteria for the CAD-Unique or virtually, 5 days before the start of the course, subject to availability of vacancies, through the Pronatec website. .
Start: 26/05/2014 13:00
End: 23/06/2014 21:30
Values: Gratuitous.