Island Curiodrome

With the ban on the capture of coriós, at the state level, as of 1967, breeding began to be stimulated among lovers of the song of this species of bird, which had been threatened by the clearing of native forest and the use of chemical products that caused damage. to the health of these animals. Currently, free curiós in the wild are rare in the South Region. Created in 1980, this place was the first curiodromo in Brazil. It is managed by Sociedade Amigos do Curió (SAC), which has more than a thousand members. The entity promotes animal exhibitions, singing tournaments and lectures, being an important space for exchanging experiences between breeders of bullfinch and other species. There are similar structures in São João Batista (SC) and Brasília (DF), inaugurated in the middle of the current decade. Since 1982, when Canto Florianópolis was recorded on cassette tape, the organization brought in by Curiódromo has been important for preserving this way of singing that Santa Catarina's free-roaming birds had (a kind of “local dialect”). For this, specific breeding methods were developed to stimulate this type of song and avoid its mischaracterization, which captive breeding could stimulate by living with birds from other places.