
Trindade - Florianópolis neighborhood

photos of Florianopolis

Região: Central Region of the Island
Close quarters: Bunker (1,4 km) | Santa Monica (1,7 km) | agronomic (5 km) | Big Stream (3 km) | Pantanal (3 km)
Nearby beaches: Conceição Lagoon (10 km east) | soft beach (12 km east) | Joaquina Beach (13 km east) | Cacupe beach (11,5 km north) | Campeche beach (14 km south)
Distances: Centro e Bus Station 8 km | Airport 16,5 km
Also find: Night life, students

Trindade Neighborhood - Location Map

Located in Central region of Santa Catarina Island, at the foot of the Massif Morro da Cruz, the neighborhood Trinity is the second most populous neighborhood in Florianópolis. Due to the presence of Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), it is a region with a youthful and intense cultural life.

O Ufsc Theater, for example, offers theatrical shows at affordable prices, in addition to several workshops and courses related to the world of the arts. Within the university campus there is also a culture and events center, with space for shows, in addition to a food court. Almost in front of the Events Center is the Acoustic Shell, where outdoor concerts and the 12:30 project take place.

Trindade - Ufsc Culture and Events Center
Ufsc Culture and Events Center

Due to the wide circulation of young people, the neighborhood has a very lively nightlife, with several bars scattered along Rua Lauro Linhares. It is also on this street that some of the main commercial establishments in the region are located, such as Trindade mall and the Max&Flora Center.

Rua Lauro Linhares - Trindade
Rua Lauro Linhares - Trindade

Another striking feature in the neighborhood is the religious tradition. Every year, during the week of Corpus Christi celebration, the community organizes the traditional Feast of the Holy Trinity and the Orange. Promoted by the Parish of Santíssima Trindade, the celebration is concentrated in Praça Santos Dumont, where several stalls with typical cuisine are set up, in addition to an amusement park.


Perpendicular to Lauro Linhares is Avenida Madre Benvenuta, a road that cuts through Trindade and the neighborhood Santa Monica. In the part connected to Trindade, there is the Military Police Teaching Center, the Military Police College Feliciano Nunes Pires and the Paula Ramos Esporte Clube, which offers a series of leisure options to its members. There is also the Our Lady of Lourdes Grotto, built by the sisters of Divina Providência in 1913 and listed as a municipal landmark in 1987.

Nearby we can still find the Gruta field, where a skate park is located. Further on is the Curiódromo da Ilha, the first in Brazil, created in 1980. In this space, animal exhibitions, singing tournaments and lectures are held.

In Trindade is located one of the six terminals of the integrated transport system in Florianópolis, the TiTri, from where it is possible to take buses to the central, eastern and northern regions of the island. The neighborhood also has the University Hospital (HU), 5th Capital Police Station, which provides 24-hour service, the Military Firefighter Teaching Center (CEBM) and branches of the main banks.

Cruz Hill - Trinidad
Cruz Hill - Trinidad


Nossa Senhora do Desterro, today Florianópolis, had great strategic importance in the XNUMXth century. The ships that carried out the trade between Rio de Janeiro and Buenos Aires, for example, stopped at Santa Catarina Island for supplies and only then could they continue their journey. This made the Portuguese crown take a series of measures to maintain the territory, including the construction of forts and the displacement of military contingents.

Later, the government encouraged young Azorean and Madeiran couples to settle in the region. Brigadier José da Silva Paes, then governor of the province, determined that a path be opened to the lagoa that existed in the center of the island and that the new residents were accommodated in the region. This path crossed a hill and passed through the neighborhoods we know today as Trindade and Big Stream.


Therefore, the first name of Trindade, Trás do Morro, made a direct reference to the geographic characteristics of the new home of these people. The hill in question has changed its name several times over time: Morro do Antão, on behalf of an Azorean named Antão Lourenço Rebolo; Morro dos Sinais and Morro do Pau da Bandeira, in reference to the mast that was placed there to warn of the arrival of vessels; and, finally, Morro da Cruz, because of the cross that was erected there in 1900.

In the mid-nineteenth century, the town of Trás do Morro was already so important that it gained independence from the Parish of the Capital. From then on, it was called the parish of Santíssima Trindade de Trás do Morro and received the mission of taking care of the ecclesiastical service in the interior of Nossa Senhora do Desterro. However, Trindade was not without rural characteristics: agricultural properties and pastures destined to cattle were predominant in the region.

The neighborhood also served as a reference for the rest of the city in cultural terms. There was great expectation around the Festa do Divino Espírito Santo, which brought together people from all corners of Desterro. In addition, there were presentations by the Papaya Ox and Boi party. Later, football became another thread in this web of sociability marked by strong friendship and kinship relationships.

Campus of the Federal University of Santa Catarina - Trindade
Campus of the Federal University of Santa Catarina - Trindade

The construction of the Ufsc campus in the 1960s significantly transformed the daily lives of families living in Trindade. Several large enterprises followed the arrival of the university and, little by little, several new residents began to inhabit the region. In a matter of years, the large farms and popular festivities gave way to the streets, buildings and university parties we know today.

Trindade - Google Earth Location Map
Location of Bairro Trinidad

DISCOVER MORE Neighborhoods in the Central Region from Florianopolis

Neighborhoods in the Central Region of Florianópolis
Neighborhoods in the Central Region of Florianópolis
  1. agronomic
  2. Centro
  3. Big Stream
  4. Itacorubi
  5. John Paul
  6. Jose Mendes
  7. Monte Verde
  8. Pantanal
  9. Bag of Lemons
  10. Big bag
  11. Santa Monica
  12. Trinity
  13. Bunker

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