good shelter

Bom Abrigo - Florianópolis neighborhood
Bom Abrigo - View of the South Bay
Bom Abrigo - View of the South Bay of Santa Catarina Island

photos of Florianopolis

Região: Continental Region of Florianopolis
Close quarters: itaguaçu (1km) | capoeiras (3km)
Nearby beaches: Campeche beach (19 km south) | Praia do Cacupe (20 km north) | Conceição Lagoon (20,5 km east)
Distances: downtown e Bus Station 6 km | Airport 21 km
Also find: seaside view

Bom Abrigo Florianópolis Neighborhood - Location Map

located in the part continental Greece of Florianópolis, the neighborhood of good shelter It is one of the most charming and picturesque spots in this part of the city.

Only 6 km away from the Florianopolis downtown, Bom Abrigo has one of the most beautiful panoramic views of the South Bay and the metropolitan south shore.

With just over 1.500 inhabitants, the neighborhood is predominantly residential, made up of upper-middle class properties.

The shore, with the beach of the same name, was already very popular in the past. However, today, its calm waters are not very popular for bathing. But it is still possible to enjoy the beauty of the region by walking on the seaside walkway or enjoying a happy hour in the bars and restaurants in the region.

Bom Abrigo Beach (Photo: Maurélio Cesar Pereira)

Along Rua João Meireles, which serves as access to the neighborhood and other neighboring towns, there is a small trade with a market, bars, pharmacy and bakery. However, its proximity to neighborhoods in the municipality of São José, such as Campinas and Kobrasol, means that it is not necessary to travel to the center of Florianópolis to find what you are looking for.


The Bom Abrigo neighborhood is named after a residential subdivision that was installed in the region in the 1940s. It is believed that the subdivision's designation, in turn, was inspired by the trees scattered along the beachfront and also for the pleasant climate that prevails in the area, ideal for those seeking tranquility, comfort and security.

Bom Abrigo became popular with wealthy families in Florianópolis in the 1920s, when it still belonged to the municipality of São José. It was believed, at the time, that bathing in the sea brought health benefits, which made several residents of the capital seek the calm waters of the mainland beaches and, later, build their summer residences there.


The annexation of the continental region by Florianópolis only took place in 1944. It is said that Nereu Ramos, then federal intervenor in Santa Catarina, learned on a trip to Rio de Janeiro that Florianópolis had been identified as one of the smallest capitals in territorial extension in the country. Apparently embarrassed, his first act upon returning to the city was to create a commission whose objective was to carry out a territorial review of the state.

Until the 1960s, the beaches on the mainland maintained their popularity among locals and occasional tourists who came to the capital. It didn't take long for the area to become an object of speculative interest, attracting investments that gave rise to several residential subdivisions. Furthermore, the prospect of the construction of Ponte Colombo Salles seemed to confirm that the future of Florianópolis lay in its newest region.

However, this hope was not confirmed. Eventually, it was discovered that the most frequented beaches in the capital were all polluted, which directed a good part of state investments to improve the urban fabric of Santa Catarina Island. The opening of the SC-401 highway facilitated access to the resorts of North region, which quickly gained popularity. This made the growth of the continental region no longer a priority.

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Neighborhoods in the Continental Region
  1. Balneário
  2. good shelter
  3. capoeiras
  4. Coconut trees
  5. Narrow
  6. itaguaçu
  7. Jardim Atlantico

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