English from Rio Vermelho

Ingleses do Rio Vermelho - Florianópolis neighborhood

English from Rio Vermelho

photos of Florianopolis

Região: north of the island
Close quarters: Brava Beach (11 km)| Ponta das Canas (8,5 km)| Bom Jesus waterfall (5,6 km)| Sao Joao do Rio Vermelho (7,5 km)
Nearby beaches: Ingleses Beach | Santinho beach | Cachoeira do Bom Jesus Beach | Ponta das Canas beach | Brava Beach
Distances: downtown e Bus Station 34 km | Airport 43 km
Also find: water sports, surf, trail, dunes, archaeological heritage, 'foot-in-the-sand' restaurants, fishing, Night life

Map Location Praia dos Ingleses

The neighborhood English from Rio Vermelho, or simply English as it is better known by tourists and locals, it is located on the north end of Santa Catarina Island, between the Bom Jesus waterfall, Brava Beach e Sao Joao do Rio Vermelho.

32,9 km away from the center Florianópolis, is one of the beach districts with the largest urban infrastructure in the region.

Its area covers 20,47 km² and ranges from Santinho beach and Ingleses Beach to the location furthest from the shore, called Sítio do Capivari.

Beach and Bairro dos Ingleses
Ingleses Beach

Among all the resorts in Florianópolis, Ingleses has the largest resident population, with more than 35 permanent inhabitants. However, during the vacation and summer months, this number doubles.

Access by car to the neighborhood can be done in two ways. By the main road, via SC-401, and then by SC-403, or by Rodovia João Gualberto Soares, through Rio Vermelho. From the integrated bus terminals in the capital, several lines depart, such as 261, 263 and 264, coming from the Canasvieiras Integrated Terminal (TiCan). The D264 line comes directly from the Centro Integrado Terminal (TiCen). There are also special lines 1121 and 1127, with air-conditioned cars.


The English trade is quite developed and varied, with options ranging from hypermarkets to branches of large department stores.

Along the final portion of SC-403, close to the beach, there are shopping centers, markets, pharmacies, bakeries, bank agencies and gas stations, making it unnecessary to travel to other neighborhoods in the north of the island to find what you need. if looking.

Very popular with tourists, English from Rio Vermelho brings together different nationalities and cultures during the summer. The region has a good offer of leisure with tour operators. In fact, it is in this neighborhood that the Santinho beach, where the multi-awarded and most complete tourist complex in the region is located, the Costão do Santinho Resort and its mega development, which combines a condominium of luxury homes with a beautiful nine-hole golf course.

Santinho Beach - Ingleses neighborhood
Santinho beach

Nightlife options in the region are few. Every summer season, they usually open new nightclubs and bars. For those looking for something more sophisticated, just go to the nearby beaches (Jurerê International e Canasvieiras), where there are bars, restaurants and nightclubs, as well as beach points hottest of city.


There are several versions about the origin of the name of the Ingleses do Rio Vermelho neighborhood. Many attribute it to the supposed sinking of an English ship in the XNUMXth century. Others go even further and believe that the crew of this ship were somehow related to Queen Anne of England. There is also a version that the name refers to the English whale oil exploration company that existed in the locality. However, the only thing that is known for sure is that “Rio Vermelho” is a direct reference to the fact that the region of the Ingleses neighborhood belonged to the parish of São João Batista do Rio Vermelho for a long time.


The oldest records about the neighborhood date back to the XNUMXth century, when Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, a famous Spanish conqueror, passed through Santa Catarina Island and established contact with the Carijós Indians. It is known today that this ethnic group already inhabited the island for at least two hundred years before this meeting took place, and that before it other much older peoples also did so, as shown by the lithic workshops and rock inscriptions present in the region.

Lithic Workshops - Praia and Bairro dos Ingleses
Lithic Workshops

According to Cabeza de Vaca, the Carijós were grouped into small tribes, were friendly and lived off fishing and agriculture. The group's presence would extend over the next three centuries, ending with the arrival of descendants of Azorean immigrants. According to some of the oldest residents of the neighborhood, these families moved from places like Ganchos (currently Governor Celso Ramos) and Biguaçu, establishing a fishing and agricultural village in Ingleses do Rio Vermelho.

Over time, the community built some mills and started raising animals. In addition to domestic activities and agriculture, women were also dedicated to the production of bobbin lace and worked in the salts. Despite the predominance of subsistence activities, all surplus local production was donated, exchanged for other products or sold in the center from the village of Desterro.

These spaces destined to work were the main responsible for the establishment of social bonds between the residents. The church was also another important point in this regard, as the masses, religious festivals and balls allowed everyone to meet. Throughout the year, the festivals of Saint Joseph and the Sacred Heart, the Terno de Reis, the tribute to the Lord of Bom Jesus and the celebrations of Easter, Christmas and Nossa Senhora dos Navegantes, as well as the Fisherman's festival and the Boi party.


In 1962, Ingleses do Rio Vermelho was officially separated from the district of São João do Rio Vermelho. However, the locality remained quite isolated from the rest of Florianópolis until the 1970s. This situation was only reversed with the construction of the SC-401 and SC-403 highways. The completion of these works contributed a lot to the urban and tourist expansion of the neighborhood, as it facilitated contact between the Center and the resorts in the north of the Island.

Hotel in the British

In the decades that followed, there were improvements in the infrastructure of the British and what could be seen was both an increase in the supply of services and an increase in the commerce that already existed. A good part of the local population started to dedicate themselves to activities related to tourism and, in a matter of a few years, the number of permanent residents of the neighborhood increased considerably.

Video of Praia dos Ingleses

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  2. cacupé
  3. Canasvieiras
  4. Daniela
  5. English from Rio Vermelho
  6. Jurerê International
  7. Traditional Jurerê
  8. Ponta das Canas
  9. Brava Beach
  10. sambaqui
  11. Saint Anthony of Lisbon

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