Area code (48)


Florianópolis is located 45 degrees west of the Greenwich Meridian (GMT), which means it is 3 hours behind it (GMT -3). During daylight saving time, which runs from October to February, this delay drops to 2 hours (GMT -2).

Florianopolis area code (48)

National Calls

From other cities to Florianopolis:
0 + operator + 48 + desired phone

From Florianopolis to other cities:
0 + operator + area code + desired phone

International calls

From other countries to Florianopolis:
00 + operator + 55 + 48 + desired phone

From Florianopolis to other countries:
00 + operator + DDI + desired phone

collect calls

Inside Florianopolis:
9090 + desired phone

From other cities to Florianopolis:
90 + carrier + 48 + phone wanted

From Florianopolis to other cities:
90 + operator + area code + desired phone

Useful Phones

Water and sewage: 195
Tourist Service: (48) 3212-6300
Fire Department: 193
Civil defense: 199
Women's Police Station: 180
Hotline: 0800 643 1407
Municipal Information: 156
Phonebook: 102
Civil police: 147
Military police: 190
Federal Highway Police: 191
Emergency Room: 192
Radio Taxi: (48) 3240-6009
SOS Child: 1407
Urban Transport: 1517
Health Surveillance: 168

Sockets and Voltages

In general, Florianópolis has two types of socket, with two or three pins. If necessary, adapters can be easily found in the city. The voltage of the outlets in Florianópolis is 220 v.