Museum of Image and Sound – MIS

At the Museum of Image and Sound - MIS, quality Brazilian and foreign films are shown periodically. As a result of the agreement established between a video distributor and the management of MIS, people can watch the films for free and use the space to hold events aimed at audiovisual activities. The museum also conserves photographs. As the MIS is focused on the audiovisual area, there is a sector that provides technical guidance in the area of ​​cinema and video to those interested. Another very interesting action developed by the museum is the cataloging of the institutional collection of Fundação Catarinense de Cultura, the linked houses and works donated by the population related to culture in general. MIS has audiovisual technical workshops that offer participants the opportunity to get in touch with the best in the field of cinema and video, in addition to facilitating the exchange of knowledge in the sector. See all the details in our special about the Museum of Image and Sound.