Alternative therapies

Alternative Therapies | Sensual Massages in Florianópolis.

The art of massage is a powerful tool that transcends simple touch, allowing a deep connection with the body and mind, generating self-knowledge and enabling an inspiring personal development. As well as tantric therapy, which seeks to integrate energies and spiritual elevation through conscious touch and intimate connection.

As a certified massage therapist, my commitment is to the therapeutic area of ​​body practices, seeking not only relaxation but also transformation. In the nuru tradition, the emphasis is on the use of special gel and gliding movements, creating a unique sensory experience that revitalizes the senses and awakens long-dormant sensations.

Each session I lead is an individualized journey where I incorporate principles of lingam therapy to promote balance and harmony. As with this therapy, which focuses on healing and stimulating male vital energy, my work aims to build a deeper understanding and acceptance of your bodily expressions.

If you are ready to embark on this journey of self-discovery and transformation through therapeutic touch, I invite you to contact me on WhatsApp. I look forward to starting this journey with you.

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