Interior Light Space

Inner Light Space | Multidimensional Therapies in Florianópolis.

Espaço Luz Interior is dedicated to cutting-edge techniques and therapies. In it you will find all the EMF Balancing Technique sessions (Phases I to XIII), the complete training in this technique through the Courses and Supervised Internship. Reflections course and sessions, where you become the quantum observer of your own energy.

The reconnection to the Divine Self that we all ARE, through profound tools such as:

- Integration of the BEING, where aspects such as purified emotions, connection with the Earth, healthy mind and inner union are worked on.

- Reading of Akashic Records or Book of Life, organizer of the memory of our DNA/RNA in the etheric plane.

- Training of readers of Akashic Records Level 1 (learn to read your own records) and Level 2 (learn to read records of others, companies, Groups and places).

- Courses and training sessions EMF Balancing Technique®, work that balances our electromagnetic field.

- Superluministic sessions, therapy with Tachyons to harmonize the Soul fields.

- Online EMF Balancing Technique course.

- Sha keys, with recorded meditations.

- Activation of the Universal Energy of money

- Activation of Universal Presence

- Teacher of Teachers activation

- Activation You Are Born of Earth and Stars