French Premiere Class

French Class Premiere | Language Course in Florianópolis My name is Alain, I am a native French from southwestern France. I was born in Castelnaudary and lived in the cities of Toulouse, Carcassonne, Montpellier and Aix-en-Provence. I have lived in Brazil for over 17 years and I live in Floripa where I have been a teacher for over 10 years. I offer personalized French classes, including preparation for various competitions such as TCF, DELF, DALF and Rio Branco. I also do translation work and text revisions. My classes are held at the Madison Center, Sala 213, Avenida Desembargador Vitor Lima.260. Trindade/Carvoeira. The hourly rate is R$35 per hour, if it is one hour per week. ER$30 per hour if it's two hours a week. Price for classes to be arranged. I await your contact. Merci.


  • Avenida Desembargador Vitor Lima, 260 - Room 213 - Madison Center - Trindade
  • Trinity
  • Florianópolis
  • (48) 3206-3755 / 9903-5884
  • send email