Weather and Temperature in Florianopolis

The climate in Florianópolis is subtropical, classified as humid mesothermal. The average annual temperature is 21ºC, and in the hottest month the average maximum temperature varies from 28 to 33ºC and in the coldest month it varies from 7,5 to 12.

The relative humidity of the air is around 82% in the annual average and the rainfall index is around 1.600 mm in the north of the island and 1400 mm in south of the island. The standard wind of Santa Catarina Island is from the north quadrant. The seasons are well defined, however, there are sudden changes in temperature and weather conditions, after all, we cannot forget that we are on an island.

Weather in Florianopolis
Sunset at Ribeirão da Ilha
the south wind

Almost like a natural heritage of Florianópolis, the 'suli' wind, as it is spoken by the natives, is a striking feature of the city that greatly affects the climate in Florianópolis. Get your coat ready when you turn to the south wind! These are strong gusts, accompanied or not by rain, which usually last about three days and are the result of the passage of a cold front.



There is no dry season. The highest rainfall occurs from January to March and the lowest values ​​occur from June to August.

Summer: December, January, February and March

December is marked by the gradual arrival of heat. In some years, the first temperature spikes don't happen until well after the summer solstice, on December 21st. In January and February, the days are usually very sunny and hot, with cloudiness in the early mornings and late afternoons marked by quick showers and thunderstorms.

The first half of March still has high temperatures, but with a little more rain. From the second fortnight, the amount of rain usually decreases, the weather becomes more stable and pleasant. This is the most pleasant time on the island. The days become multicolored. In the mornings and during the day, the sky takes on shades of deep blue and in the late afternoon they appear in reddish orange tones.

Average temperature: 21 to 37 ºC.
Wind: swings north/east quadrant. After the passage of a cold front, south/east.


Autumn: March, April, May and June

Many people like this season much more, due to the lower tourist movement and the milder temperatures.

In some periods there is a sudden drop in temperature due to weather phenomena common in the season. It is also during this period that a curiosity about the climate of Florianópolis takes place, the summer in May, marked by high temperatures out of season. The summer, in recent years, has happened later, around the month of June. The air is dry, the sky is clear and the days are sunny, keeping the heat until the early afternoon, when temperatures begin to drop more quickly. The thermal amplitude is the highest of the whole year, but on the coast this situation is mitigated by the sea, which acts as a thermal regulator and does not let temperatures drop so sharply.

Another typical factor of this season is the formation of fog in the early hours of the day and at night, when the air humidity is quite high. The south wind, common in the region, also appears more frequently.

Average temperature: 18 to 27ºC.
Wind: swings north/east quadrant.


Winter: June, July, August and September

Winter is marked by the arrival of cold fronts and the presence of cold, dry air masses. It rains approximately ten days a month, but the accumulated volume of water is much lower than that recorded in the summer. In high areas there may even be frost. Weather conditions are also conducive to fog formation in the early morning and evening hours.

Average temperature: 13 to 22ºC.
Wind: swings north/northwest quadrant.

Weather in Florianopolis
Lagoa da Conceição in winter
Spring: September, October, November and December

At the beginning of the flower season, it is possible to notice a more pleasant climate, ideal for enjoying the city outdoors. The amount of rain increases in relation to winter. Even so, there are prolonged periods without rain, which favors a rapid rise in temperatures. The average temperature starts to increase from September.

Average temperature: 16 to 25 ºC.
Wind: swings north/east quadrant.