UFSC's little church

On March 23, 1835, through a Provincial Law, the Parish of Santíssima Trindade de Trás do Morro was created. In 1855, the parish already had 1811 inhabitants, of which 1556 were free Brazilians, 3 were foreigners and 252 were slaves, representing the second smallest parish in the capital city in terms of population.10 In the following year, 1856, the then vicar of the Parish, Fr . Francisco Luiz do Livramento, carries out the Parish Land Registry. In 1857, the Feast of the Holy Trinity was already celebrated next to the church. Originally, the bell tower was separated from the church body, to the right of the building. There was also a cross in front of the church, later transferred to a space between the church and the Casa do Divino, where the Parish Hall was later built. The Franciscans, who took over the parish in 1917, promoted reform between the end of the 1920s and the beginning of the 1930s, in which the tower was incorporated into the church. In 1977, a new and large parish church, a parish house and a hall were built. Then, the old church, the old parish house, the hall and the empire were transferred to the patrimony of the Federal University of Santa Catarina – UFSC. In 1978, there was a renovation, in which the artist Hiedy de Assis Corrêa (Hassis) painted the Humanidades mural on the walls of the old high altar and on the front of the arch. The painting is inspired by the struggle for Human Rights and has its symbology built mainly from religious signs. Behind the Igrejinha there was a cemetery, which was transferred to the Itacorubi Cemetery when UFSC began to function. Address: Av. Des. Victor Lima, 57-149