Urban mobility

Although much of the territory of Florianópolis is located within the island of Santa Catarina, in terms of urban mobility, the options for maritime transport in the city are few and road traffic predominates, especially private vehicles. This is mainly due to the deficiency of public transport lines and schedules, which make the user spend a lot of time moving around.

On the other hand, the fleet of vehicles available is in a good state of conservation, comfort and cleanliness. Some of the newer vehicles have television sets, which broadcast news, entertainment and advertisements. Some also have GPS devices, which announce the names of streets and stops, making it easier for those who do not know the city or have visual impairments to travel.

In this section, you will be able to understand how the Integrated Urban Transport System of Florianópolis works, get to know the bus companies and in which regions of the capital they operate, find out where you can consult the timetables of the lines, the value of the fares and the different modalities. pass cards, among others.

 Urban Transport and Bus Schedule 

 Integrated Bus System  | Executive Transport  |  Waterway Transport