How to get to Santa Catarina

Santa Catarina is located in the Southern Region of Brazil.

It borders Paraná to the north, Rio Grande do Sul to the south, the Atlantic Ocean to the east and Argentina to the west.

The main highways that give access to the state are: BR 101, BR 282, BR 116 and BR 470. See details of the highways in the Santa Catarina Guide.


Carianos - Hercílio Luz International Airport
Hercilio Luz International Airport

The main airports that provide access to the state of Santa Catarina are the following:


Name: Floripa Airport - Florianópolis International Airport - Hercílio Luz Airport

Address: Highway Dep. Diomício Freitas, 3393 - Bairro Carianos - Florianópolis - Santa Catarina.
ZIP CODE: 88.047-900
Distance from downtown: 15 km
Phone Number: (48) 3331-4000


Name: Navegantes International Airport - Minister Victor Konder

Address: Rua Osmar Gaya, 1.297 - Bairro Meia Praia - Navegantes - Santa Catarina
ZIP CODE: 88372-900
Distance from the Capital: 115 km
Phone Number: (47) 3342-9204


Name: Criciúma Airport / Forquilhinha - Diomício Freitas

Address: Av. Vante Rovaris, 2.555 - Santa Libera neighborhood - Forquilhinha - Santa Catarina
ZIP CODE: 88850-000
Distance from the Capital: 230 km
Phone: (48) 3478-1694 / (48) 3438-1214


Name: Joinville Airport - Lauro Carneiro de Loyola

Address: Avenida Santos Dumont, 9.000 - Bairro Aventureiro - Joinville - Santa Catarina
ZIP CODE: 89226-435
Distance from the Capital: 195 km
Phone: (47) 3417-4000 / (47) 3417-4037

4. HAT

Name: Chapecó Municipal Airport - Serafim Enoss Bertaso

Address: Access Florenal Ribeiro, 4535 - Quedas do Palmital - Chapecó - Santa Catarina
ZIP CODE: 89815-900
Distance from the Capital: 560 km
Phone Number: (49) 3322-1034

6. LAGES (Is inoperative - under construction)
7. BLUMENAU (Executive Airport - commercial flights only)