Whale Watching

Between the months of July and November, the coast of Santa Catarina serves as a nursery for the Southern Right Whale, which climbs along the Brazilian coast. This happens because the water temperature it is more pleasant for females to give birth and nurse their young. When the young are ready to feed on their own, the cetaceans return to the icy waters of the Antarctic peninsula. During the period they are on our shores, they are so close to the beaches that it is possible to see them from dry land.

Where to find whales in Santa Catarina?

The cities in the state of Santa Catarina that are most suitable for observation are located south of Florianópolis. Contrary to what many people think, the island of Santa Catarina is not the place with the best infrastructure for observation tourism. This is because the frequency of whales on the Florianopolitan coast is much lower than in cities like Imbituba and Garopaba.

predatory fishing

Migration to the coast favored whaling, especially between the 70th and XNUMXth centuries, for the use of meat, fat, oil and even fins and bones. The technological advances employed in this practice led to the near extinction of marine mammals, until the last whaling station was closed in the XNUMXs.

Sighting Tourism

Little by little, predatory fishing gave way to the appreciation of the mammal and currently the visit of the Right Whales to the coast of Santa Catarina has attracted tourists from various parts of Brazil. With the objective of protecting the animals, the Environmental Protection Area of ​​the Baleia Franca - APA was created in 2002, covering 156 thousand hectares in 130 km of the coast of Santa Catarina. The APA guarantees the proper use of natural heritage, as it only regulates the use of resources, without prohibiting human activities.

Commercial Exploitation of Whale Watching Tourism

Boats that charge to take tourists up close to the animals must be accredited with APA and Ibama. In addition to being up to date with the Brazilian Navy, vessels must observe a law that protects whales from disturbances. This law provides for some basic precautions:

  • When approaching the animal, the boat must turn off the engine or put it in neutral at least 100 meters away
  • Approach time should not exceed 30 minutes
  • Never advance sharply towards the whales
  • The boat must not approach from behind, chase the animals, intercept their course, separate groups or mothers from their calves and must remain away in a lateral position.
  • Diving or throwing objects near animals is prohibited.
  • Don't make unnecessary noise
  • Upon departure, the boat must restart the engines only when it clearly sees the animals on the surface.

For those who don't feel comfortable on boats, it is possible to see the mammals from dry land. For this, the best option is to look for high places and use good binoculars. Although whales can be seen from Balneário de Morro dos Conventos to Bombinhas, the regions of Garopaba and Imbituba are the most favorable points for observation.

Tips from the Floripa Guide

- Consult the Santa Catarina guide more information about the city of Garopaba, the beach where the most whales can be seen
- If your intention is to stay in Florianópolis, some establishments in the south of the island offer transfers to boarding. You can also contact directly the transfer companies ou Turism agencies.
- Find out how to find Boat Tours in Florianópolis. - For more information about the animals, see the Right Whale Project, dedicated to the research and conservation of mammals.

Map of Hotels and Inns in Garopaba and region