Whoever walks through Florianópolis must have already found, in the squares, beaches or coasts of the Island, people of all ages balancing themselves on a flexible ribbon. They are lovers of Slackline, a balance sport played on a thin, flexible nylon strip stretched between two fixed points, usually at a low height.
The practice originated in California, in the Yosemite Valley, in the mid-1980s, when, in their spare time, climbers used their climbing straps to exercise their balance. It is not known exactly when the sport arrived here, but it became a fever in 2010.
In Floripa, because of the soft sand, it is very common to find practitioners on the beaches Mole, Campeche - at the height of Riozinho, and Jurerê Internacional. In the central region, because of the grassy and wooded spaces, there is always someone practicing, especially on Av. Beira-Mar Norte, at the time at the pier, or in the various parks of the city such as Parque da Luz, at the head of the Hercílio Luz bridge, in the Parque da Universidade Federal and in Parque de Coqueiros.
soulline: It is the most common modality, as it is where everything starts and where the first steps on tape are learned.
Trick line: Generally practiced from 60 cm in height, the trickline allows the performance of jumping maneuvers and extreme balance, demanding from the practitioner a lot of physical preparation and training.
Longline: The longline is the practice of slackline in ribbons with length from 20 meters.
Highline: The Highline is practiced at heights greater than 5 meters.
waterline: Waterline is the practice of slackline over water. Whether in swimming pools, rivers or beaches, this is the most refreshing and relaxed modality.