
Florianópolis can get quite cold in winter, which made Fondue one of the special winter dinners, usually offered as a Fondue Sequence. When it originated, on the Franco-Swiss border, probably in the XNUMXth century, only the cheese recipe existed. Nowadays, in addition to cheese fondue, served with bread, potatoes and carrots, there are still recipes for chocolate, accompanied by fruit, and meat, with different sauces. Curiosity: The specialty is only offered in winter and few restaurants serve it, one of which opens exclusively when the cold starts, only with Fondue Sequence. Harmonization: Wine is the drink that best accompanies fondue, but each type calls for a different wine. For meat fondue, reds are more suitable, they can be more full-bodied and silky. To accompany cheese, red or white are the best. If you choose white, try to avoid those more citrusy and floral. Chocolate fondue pairs well with Port wines, especially Tawny, as it does not interfere with the flavor of the fruit.

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