Who was Delminda Silveira?

Delminda Silveira de Sousa was born in Nossa Senhora do Desterro, now Florianópolis, on October 16, 1854. Daughter of José Silveira de Sousa and Caetana Xavier Pacheco Silveira, Delminda belonged to one of the most traditional families in the city and was educated by private teachers at the throughout his childhood and youth, receiving lessons in French, Latin and literature. She started teaching at a young age, having taught French and Portuguese classes at Colégio Sagrado Coração de Jesus, which was, at the time, the most prominent Catholic school for girls in the capital. At the same time, she began to publish texts in newspapers and periodicals in Santa Catarina under male pseudonyms, as well as to collaborate with nationally circulated magazines that gave space to female productions. In 1908, she published “Lises e Martírios”, a work of great religious appeal. Six years later, she launched “O Cancioneiro”, a collection of hymns and poems that celebrated some of the most important events in Brazilian history. Due to the highly favorable content of the newly established republic, the book not only received government support in its publication but was adopted as mandatory reading in state schools. In 1919, Delminda started to collaborate with Revista Ilustrada, becoming the first woman of an editorial office that was composed, over time, by several well-known names in Florianópolis: Cruz e Sousa, Virgílio Várzea, José Boiteux, among others. others. She was also the first woman to hold a chair at the Academia Catarinense de Letras, which took place in 1921. Delminda Silveira published her third book in 1931. Under the title of “Passos Dolorosos”, the work returned to the themes addressed in “Lises et martyrdoms”. The writer died the following year, on March 02. Because of her notoriety, she received several honors and named schools, streets and the library of Colégio Sagrado Coração de Jesus. His last published book, “Indeléveis Versos”, only reached the public in 1989.