Brazilian Beer Contest will be held in March and Festival and Fair are postponed

The board of Blumenauense Association of Tourism, Culture and Events (Ablutec) is redefining the event schedule due to the coronavirus pandemic. The ninth edition of Brazilian Beer Contest (CBC) is maintained and will be held on March 6, 7 and 8, 2021, at Vila Germanica Park, in Blumenau.

Already Brazilian Beer Festival and Brazilian Beer Fair, which were also scheduled to take place in March, have been postponed. The organization's expectation is to hold the events at the beginning of the second semester, when the vaccination of the Brazilian population against the new coronavirus is more advanced, but the new dates have not yet been defined. Once rescheduled, Ablutec will communicate all partners and the general public.

The Brazilian Beer Contest was maintained because the event is not open to the general public, essentially mobilizing a group of judges and brewers. All the necessary health safety protocols will be adopted for the promotion of the event, which is carried out by Ablutec with the technical coordination of the Escola Superior de Cerveja e Malt.

Publication: William Schütz
Credit: PalavraCom - Press Office


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