Artist from Palhoça presents free poetic performance in the Center of Florianópolis

With an authorial repertoire, writer Willian Schütz will take the stage of Haôma Baixo Centro Bar, on December 14th, Wednesday, at 20:30 pm

Willian Schütz in a poetic performance presented by A Bolha Coletivo - Credit: Nicole Kirchner | The Bubble/Disclosure

Poetry and theatricality. These are the elements that guide the show put on by the writer from Palhoça William Schutz🇧🇷 In the first live presentation with this format, the author will take the stage of the Haôma Baixo Centro Bar, in Florianópolis, next Wednesday (14th), at 20:30 pm. Entry is free.

The poetic performance is the result of a series of experiments made by the writer. For this, Willian proposes to give life to the text, emphasizing the rhymes and interpreting narratives and reflections. 🇧🇷Literature also needs to get off the ground. After all, intervening is a mission of the writer, as an artist. In this presentation format, the idea is to do more than just read poetry: it is to add a theatrical touch”, he affirms

For the construction of the show, Willian had to remember the theater classes he took as a teenager, resorted to cinema references and chose the vocal imposition he trained when he studied journalism.

The repertoire consists of more than 50 poems that are in the book “Borrões de um portrait”, the author's third work, with a launch promised for 2023. The book is an ode to the aesthetics of language and the impacts that art causes on people.

The choice of stage was simple. The event is in line with the proposal that Haôma Baixo Centro Bar has been defending. Located at Avenida Hercílio Luz, 455, right in the center of the island, the establishment aims to open space for various events, stimulating cultural diversity. Details about the location can be found on the profile @haomabaixacentro on Instagram. 

“I'm part of A Bolha Coletivo, which brings together different artists from Palhoça. Last month, Haôma hosted our debut event. That night was memorable. From there, I talked to Fabrício Sfreddo, the person in charge of the space. He revealed to me that he had worked for years at the café in the lobby of the Centro Integrado de Cultura (CIC) and that he loved the arts. From this conversation, the idea of ​​doing my solo performance at Haôma came up”, stresses the poet.

Despite being unprecedented to the public, the show has already been partially presented. One of these performances was in October of this year, on the recording of a live sessions🇧🇷 Scheduled for release in 2023, the material is part of a series of videos produced by A Bolha Coletivo. Also through the group, Willian was able to present a shortened version of the declamation. On that occasion, the artist took to the stage of the event “Borbulha”, held on November 18.

“Together with the artists that make up the collective, I have had this experience of bringing poetry to a diverse audience, showing my face and giving voice to verses and paragraphs that could not be trapped forever in the pages scattered around”, describes Schütz.

In addition to the presentation, the event will feature an artist shop. This space will be used for the sale of the exclusive e-book “Insânia de Saudades”, as well as for the free distribution of autographed poems.

Artist of multiple facets

Willian Schütz is a journalist, editor and writer. As a poet, he released the books “Insânia Mundana” and “Saudades do que não foi e volta”, in addition to the e-book “Insânia de Saudades”. He also participated in the collections “Poesia à Flor da Pele” and “Homage to the poet Odair Ribeiro”. As a communicator, he went through experiences in cultural journalism — including the Badesc Cultural Foundation and the Revoluta Portal. He is a reporter for a newspaper in Palhoça. As a journalist he also does several works with communication advisory. Since 2021, he has also been working as a copywriter, writing various texts. Willian is also a movie buff and a lover of different arts.

The Collective Bubble

The collective A Bolha aims to integrate different artists from Palhoça and region, breaking social bubbles and boosting the visibility of those involved. For this purpose, the group performs recordings in the studio, live sessions, events and provides communication assistance. More information is on the profile @abolhacoletivo on Instagram. 


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