Brahma Brewery launches short documentary about Oktoberfest

Entrepreneur Nerino Furlan talks about the importance of traditions in the new short documentary produced by Cervejaria Brahma - credit: reproduction

The biggest German festival in Brazil is the Oktoberfest Blumenau, which celebrates Germanic culture through music, gastronomy and a lot of beer tradition. To mark the end of what would become Oktober - which took place through lives this year - Cervejaria Brahma launched a short documentary on YouTube with testimonials from residents of Blumenau (SC) and Santa Cruz do Sul (RS), cities in the South region that intensely celebrate this moment.

The video features moving statements about their stories and the importance of Oktoberfest, the campaign aims to keep the spirit of Germanic tradition and hope alive in times as challenging as those experienced in 2020.

"What unites us when we are far away? It's something that shows who we are and where we come from, it's surrender to customs, music, memories... tradition doesn't stop; it transforms. And the time that passes is what makes it more strong and keeps us together, even apart". It is with this declaration that Brahma proposes to keep alive the Oktoberfest tradition, which has been sustained for more than a century.

And that wasn't all: even with the impossibility of holding the event in person, Cervejaria Brahma held the Oktober Brahma, in the period in which the festivity would take place, in October. There was a series of events between lives, offers of delivered and special actions.

To check it out, just go to Brahma Brewery channel on YouTube.

Publication: William Schütz
Image credit: Brahma Brewery/reproduction.


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