Our Neighborhood Project is a new “weapon” to combat the lack of access to the culture of young people and children from Agronómica

Inaugural percussion class will take place on December 14 at the Agronomic Center for Coexistence and Strengthening of Links in Florianópolis

Photo NOBA - credit to Fabiano Augusto

The story goes back to 2016, when the Nosso Bairro project emerged, through a diagnosis of the pain of the communities surrounding Agronómica, which comprises the poor communities of Vila Santa Rosa, Morro do Horácio, Vila Santa Vitória, Morro do 25 and Nova Trent. The idea is to contribute to access to health, education, culture and other needs of young people and children in situations of social vulnerability.

Due to the pandemic, the project suffered a hiatus, paralyzing its activities between 2019 and 2021. However, in 2022 the actions resumed with artistic interventions through the creation of a large graffiti in Vila Santa Rosa and the exhibition of works of art and panels in the kindergartens in the neighborhood and at the Center for Coexistence and Strengthening of Agronomic Links.

As of December 14, 2022, the NOBA project (acronym that refers to the name Nosso Bairro) is even stronger, focused on more opportunities for the youth of the region. Conceived by Incentive with the sponsorship of partner companies through the Rouanet Law, this new phase will have its inaugural class on this date, at a convergent point – the Center for Coexistence and Strengthening of Agronomic Links in an unprecedented partnership with the Social Assistance Secretariat, Municipality of Florianópolis and Somar Floripa.

This inauguration will be through a percussion workshop, whose instruments are ready for the enjoyment of children and teenagers, in a safe, accessible place, accompanied by the local team. Anyway, all the necessary structure to have a successful action. “We chose this neutral spot in conjunction with the City Hall because it is easily accessible to the approximately 60 students enrolled in the Community Center service, so that they can interact, socialize, learn and have a more active social life, beyond the classroom” , says Raphael Ribeiro, organizer of NOBA and partner of Incentive, proponent of the project with the Special Secretariat for Culture (Ministry of Tourism).

Ribeiro was inspired by the actions of Afroreggae, a Civil Society Organization (OSC) founded in 1993 with the mission of promoting inclusion and social justice through the same goal - awakening the artistic and intellectual potential of young people from the lower classes. These include street arts, music, visual arts and an integration that these potential future leaders lack.

The initiative boosts the self-esteem of children and adolescents assisted at the Community Center. “Our 'weapon' is culture, well-being and coexistence with those who are different”, reinforces Ribeiro.

Present at Agronómica for two decades, ENGIE Brasil Energia, one of the sponsors of NOBA, reinforces the importance of encouraging culture, especially for the young public, which is in the training phase. “Supporting projects that encourage cultural activities for children and adolescents is fully in line with our vision. We see culture as an element of social transformation that directly contributes to building a better future”, highlights Luciana Nabarrete, Director of People, Processes and Culture at ENGIE.

The idea is not daring, but obvious, since the objective is to co-opt these young people to have fun, study, eat and, above all, a direction for their lives.

The Nosso Neighborhood Project (NOBA) is made possible with resources from the sponsorship regime of the Culture Incentive Law (Law 8.313/1991) - PRONAC 186107 - and is sponsored by Engie, Jeep DVA and Quantum Engenharia, in partnership with the Secretariat Municipal Social Assistance, Florianópolis City Hall and Somar Floripa. In addition to the support of the Bem Viver Program (Federal Public Prosecutor's Office - Santa Catarina Section) and the Association of Residents of Agronómica (AMA). The organization is in charge of Incentive, the Special Secretariat for Culture and the Ministry of Tourism / Federal Government.


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