Book on Azorean songs will be released for free next Tuesday (18)

The ancestry and traditions brought by Azorean immigrants were crucial for the cultural formation of the Florianópolis current. Elements that make reference to ancestors coming from Portugal are present in every corner of Ilha da Magia, in the architecture, in the gastronomy, in the everyday imagery and even in the accent of the manezinho. But art is also an important part of this story. Seeking to rescue the Azorean musicality, dalner barbi did museological work on the songs and dances that marked Florianópolis in past centuries. The result is a book which will be released next Tuesday (18).  

Containing a series of scores and verses of songs brought by immigrants from the Azores, "Azorean Songs for Ballet and Circle Dance" is a book that represents the rescue of elements that marked the popular culture of ancient Florianópolis. Italian-Brazilian Circle (CIB), at Praça XV de Novembro, 340, downtown Florianópolis. The event will start at 19:30 pm. 

Besides free distribution of the specimens, the book release will count on the presence of the author, in addition to a presentation of pocket show do Azorean Folk Music Group Tocata da Casa, of which Barbi is coordinator.

According to the author, "Cantigas Açorianas para Bailados e Danças de Rodas" is a work that values ​​the musical forms of Azorean folklore — such as Chamarrita, Sapateia, Pezinho, Rema, Charamba, Belaurora, Saudade, Tirana and Samacaio. Based on this, the book brings songs and arrangements that value the original musicality of the Azores, which remain in the cultural folk songbook of the southern region of Brazil. The scores presented have a melody, rhythm for guitar/viola and suggestion of a bass line characteristic of the forms.

The book is the result of extensive ethnomusicological research with the aim of contributing to the knowledge, appreciation and preservation of this cultural heritage, aiming at its dissemination among current and future generations.

The production of the work was financed with public funds from the 2021 Culture Support Notice, via Municipal Fund for Culture, Municipality of Florianópolis, Municipal Secretariat for Culture, Tourism and Sport, e Cultural Foundation of Florianópolis Franklin Cascaes


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