Film Festival of Jaraguá do Sul will publish selections in July

The list of those selected for the 6th Jaraguá do Sul Film Festival will be released on July 11 on the official website. Among the novelties of this one are: the open exhibition of films from the Competitive Show, on the days of the event through the Youtube channel, in addition to guests from the world of national and international cinema for tips and chats. This year there were more than 200 productions entered. The event takes place from the 5th to the 8th of October.

The feature films, shorts, mediums and video clips were chosen by curators Camila Rosa, cultural producer and journalist from Jaraguá do Sul - SC; Virginia Nascimento, actress, producer and director, from Santos - SP; Mauricio Mascarenhas, actor and producer, from São Paulo - SP; and Marcelo Sampaio, director, producer and filmmaker, from São Paulo - SP.

The great differential of the Jaraguá do Sul Film Festival is the thematic diversity and the scope for professionals, students and amateurs in the same edition. Over the years the number of participants has grown, in 2023 more than twice as many subscribers were registered compared to last year. In addition, the geographical diversity of the productions makes the festival stand out in the independent audiovisual scene in Brazil. Productions from São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Santa Catarina, Rio Grande do Sul, Roraima, Minas Gerais, Pernambuco, Paraná, Distrito Federal, Espírito Santo, Bahia, Ceará, Goiás and Mato Grosso do Sul will be competing.

The first edition of the Jaraguá do Sul Film Festival took place in 2019, based on the initiative of the Argentine producer, director and filmmaker, who has lived in Brazil for 36 years, Isaac Huna. “Each year was a different challenge, but we are growing every day. We have already managed to bring the 1st Independent Film Festival of Argentina to Brazil and we are always innovating”, he says.

The festival aims, above all, to publicize independent national cinematographic production, with sponsorship, up to the 3rd edition, of SECEL, the City Hall of Jaraguá do Sul, and cultural support in all editions. The 2023 edition is organized by the CAI Institute - Centro das Arte Integradas, Dança Jaraguá do Sul and S&H Entretenimento. The organizing committee of this edition is formed by: Isaac Huna, cultural producer and creator - SC; Betina Ganímides, producer – SP; Luciane Toledo, journalist – SC; Jo Rauen producer and director – SC; Marli Fortes, cultural producer – SC; and Daniel Maffezzolli, producer, publicist and MKT - SC.


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