Badesc Cultural Foundation has new opening hours

Free visits can be made from 13 pm to 19 pm, Monday to Friday
The cultural institution is located in downtown Florianópolis - Photo credit: Juliano Zanotelli

A Badesc Cultural Foundation has new visiting hours. As of this month of January, free visits can be made from Monday to Friday, from 13 pm to 19 pm.

Located at 216 Rua Visconde de Ouro Preto, the institution is hosting the exhibition "Topologies of Imagination: Artist Residency Cultural Foundation BADESC". in the show are paintings, drawings, photographs, installations, video installation, video performance, among other languages ​​of 10 artists from Santa Catarina.

Five artists from Greater Florianópolis participate in this edition: Ana Soukef, daniel lion, Edson Macalini, Estela Camillo e Mila Kichalowski and five others who live in other cities in Santa Catarina: Diana Chiordelli (Chapecó), Felipe da Costa (Blumenau), Flavia Scoz (Joinville), Jan MO (Joinville) and Mayara Voltolini (brusque).

Admission is free and the use of a mask is mandatory during the visit. "Topologies of Imagination: Artist Residency Cultural Foundation BADESC" can be visited until March 11.

Source: Press office of the Cultural Foundation Badesc;
Text editing and publication: William Schütz.


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