Color showcase: Festival Transforma announces selection of films for 2020 edition

The biggest LGBTI+ Film festival in Santa Catarina, and one of the most relevant in the whole country, Transforma is counting down to its long-awaited third edition, which will take place in the second half of this year, in Florianópolis. After a thorough selection, the event's organization and its technical curation team announced the list of films that will color the 2020 competitive show. In total, 34 productions were chosen, originating from 10 Brazilian states (Bahia, Ceará, Minas Gerais, Pará, Paraíba, Paraná, Pernambuco, Rio de Janeiro, Santa Catarina and São Paulo).

”To our surprise and delight, there were more than 90 films submitted, from 17 Brazilian states, covering the five regions of the country. The curatorship selected magnificent works that will provide a pedagogical process of sex and gender education through Cinema. Through the chosen ones, we seek to present the diversity present in the LGBTI+ population (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex, +), with greater attention to the community of Transsexuals and Transvestites, who end up several times not being represented in audiovisual works or at events genres”, celebrates Arthur Gomes, a member of the festival's organization.

Segmented into five categories – Precursorx Shows, Cinema and Gender, Novos Olhares, Mostra 44 and Panorama, III Transforma will also include other cities in Santa Catarina, with traveling sessions in Chapecó, Lages, Criciúma, Blumenau and Joinville. “Our goal, since the first edition, is that the festival can present sexual and gender diversity that fills the gaps of existing. In this third edition, in addition to the Festival period, we will also have the Itinerant Exhibition that will pass through five cities in each mesoregion of the State, so we hoped that the registered films could represent, approach, question and bring to the scene, non-hegemonic and dissident experiences. of gender and sexuality, enhancing the encounter with art for bodies that often do not have a reference for different experiences”, reiterates Thomas Dadam, responsible for programming and producer of the event.

joint front

III Transforma is a project carried out through the 2019 Catarinense Film Award, granted by the Catarinense Foundation of Culture (FCC) and the Santa Catarina State Government. Organized by BAPHO Cultural (LGBTI+ cultural producer) and the Association in Defense of Human Rights with a Focus on Sexuality - ADEH, the festival also has the support of the Museum of Image and Sound of Santa Catarina - MIS/SC and Vitrine Filmes. “Through these partnerships, we encourage the formation of an audience for the "T" community. It is a work that has been going on since before the first edition of the festival, which has reverberated a lot in the affectations and in the post-event dialogues. It is also worth noting that the plurality of identities of the LGBTI+ community across the country is something that we punctuate in the curatorial process of the Festival”, reiterates Thomas.

I transform

In parallel with the festival, the organization of III Transforma is promoting an inspiring virtual campaign, focusing on the plural experiences and narratives of the LGBTI+ community. With the participation of known and anonymous faces, such as Linn da Quebrada, Léo Fressato, Jup do Bairro, Jenn Lopes, Lirous Kyo, Vulcanica Pokapora, among other powerful characters, the action “Eu Transformo” is moving the social networks of the event this year. last Sunday, May 17, when the International Day against Homophobia was celebrated.

Selected 2020:


As Rendas de Dinho: Director Adriane Canan (Santa Catarina)
Ruth: Dir. Igor Dalbone (Sao Paulo)


Ada: Director Rafaela Uchoa (Bahia)
Pack: Dir. Carolina Castilho (Sao Paulo)
Blood Red Lipstick: Dir. RB Lima (Paraíba)
Living Model, Dead Model: Dir. Iuri Bermudes and Leona Jhovs (São Paulo)
Fernanda's Spring: Dir. Débora Zanatta, Estevan de la Fuente (Paraná)


That Endless Month Of August: Dir. RB Lima (Pernambuco)
Haiku Of A Dead Poet: Dir. Akira Kamiki (Sao Paulo)
Guava Papinha: Dir. Tiago Fonseca (Rio de Janeiro)
Desecration: Dir. Estela Lapponi (Sao Paulo)
Queer Projection: Dir. Gabriel Turbiani (Santa Catarina)
Zara: Director Daphine Xavier (Santa Catarina)

Their Happiness: Dir. Carol Rodrigues (Sao Paulo)
Colombia | Dir. Manuela Andrade (Pernambuco)
Girls And Sex - I Feel Like Girls: Dir. Louise Fiedler (Parana)
My Story Is Another: Dir. Mariana Campos (Rio de Janeiro)
Time: Dir. Maíra Campos and Michel Ramos (Minas Gerais)
Venus - Filo, The Lesbian Fairy: Dir. Savio Leite (Minas Gerais)


Just What You Need to Know About Me: Dir. Maria Augusta V. Nunes (Santa Catarina)
That Couple: Dir. William de Oliveira (Parana)
Auto Phallus: Dir. Caio Dornelas (Pernambuco)
Vanilla: Dir. Leo Tabosa (Pernambuco)
Copacabana Madureira | Director Leonardo Martinelli (Rio de Janeiro)
We're All In The Gutter, But Some Of Us Look At The Stars: Dir. João Marcos de Almeida and Sergio Silva (São Paulo)
House: Dir. Lucas Passion (Pará)
Today I don't stay in the dressing room: Dir. Nicole Lopes (Parana)
Invisible Men: Dir. Luis Carlos de Alencar (Rio de Janeiro)
Mark: Dir. Sara Benvenuto (Ceará)
Marie: Dir. Leo Tabosa (Pernambuco)
Don't Call Me That: Dir. Diego Migliorini (Sao Paulo)
Periphery: Dir. Nay Mendl, Rosa Caldeira, Stheffany Fernanda and Vita Pereira (São Paulo)
Selma After The Rain: Dir. Loli Menezes (Santa Catarina)
Come As You Are: Dir. Rafael Ribeiro and Galba Gogóia (Rio de Janeiro).

Additional information:

III Transforma – Santa Catarina Diversity Film Festival:
Instagram: @transformafest
Official website: 
For more information: / 48 99862-3668.

Publication: William Schütz.
Source: Transforma's press office.


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