Artists from Brazil, Mexico and Chile participate in an exhibition at the Badesc Cultural Foundation

A Badesc Cultural Foundation receives from the 5th of March, the group exhibition I bring Modernity, which features works by 11 artists from Brazil, Mexico and Chile. The opening of the exhibition that will occupy the space Fernando Beck, is scheduled for 19 pm on Thursday, the 5th. Admission is free.

Curated by Perla Ramos and Sergio Zamora and produced by Isadora Stähelin, the exhibition will feature Mexican artists: Darío Meléndez, Eduardo Acosta, Karla Hamilton, Pablo Zafra, Paulina Pulido, Pavel Ferrer, Perla Ramos, Sergio Zamora, Brazilian artists Isadora Stähelin and Sofia Brito, and the Chilean artist, Gonzalo Aguirre. The curatorial text of the exhibition is signed by John Lundberg.

The artists will present works in video, photography, animation, retroprojection, sculpture, appropriation of objects and news. The show exposes perceptions about the surroundings and the ruins of a present in crisis and processes related to an uncertain future, whose hope is the way of survival and nostalgia is what remains.

The works also show the wear and tear of organic matter in view of the contemplation of time and the social and infrastructure failures in the Mexican territory, in addition to presenting a notion of self-construction and the capacity of human beings to generate intimate space and also the idea of ​​erasure of the modernist utopia based on criticisms related to its construction models.

The visitation of the collective exhibition Trago a Modernidade continues until April 9, from Tuesday to Saturday, from 12 to 19h. The Badesc Cultural Foundation is located on Rua Visconde de Ouro Preto, right in the center of Florianópolis. All activities at the Foundation are free.

Publication: William Schütz.
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Images: Disclosure.


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